A belated Happy New Year/Hogmanay to all!
Since just before Christmas, my trusty laptop had been acting up, mainly due to its tiny and overfull hard drive. My dad got me a new hard drive (160 GB!) for Christmas, and started "cloning" all my data from the old to the new on Monday, but the process was excruciatingly slow, and eventually hung up. SO I had to send the whole thing to his house, where he is working to get it into tip-top shape. Until then, I'm computerless; restricted to checking e-mail on my iPod and when I can steal a few moments on DH's Macbook. I'm catching up on quite a few projects around the house over the long weekend, and then I should be online more often again. (Famous last words...)
In other news, after a few excruciating days and last-minute help from folks (thanks!) I wrote yet ANOTHER query letter and entered that and my first 25 pages into the Great Expectations contest. Word on both that and the Golden Heart should come by March.
IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!
4 days ago