Through 26 and into the home stretch. I just tied up the last (I think) of the new story arcs, so there shouldn't be much more new wordage to churn out. The remaining six chapters (and epilogue) just need a clean-and-polish. If I can finish that tonight--or rather, by the morning--I'll sleep for a few hours, go with DH to visit my MIL and pick up Little Boy and eat turkey dinner, round 4(!), then get everything formatted and printed and ready to ship tomorrow night. Monday morning I'll hit the post office on my way to work, and then...we wait.
Finalists will be announced some time in the spring, and the winner at the national RWA conference in July. It's in D.C. this year (2009) so that might be a fun trip. Just trying to think positive. *g*
Thanks to a tip from one of the lovely ladies in my local RWA chapter, I found this blog: Contest Divas. It's a running list of all the (romance) contests out there and their upcoming deadlines. I've already found another one to enter, and the judge of my category is a senior editor at Dorchester. This one's for queries and pages. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
On more serious note, go read this moving post about "why write." The bit about being exhausted from pushing through "that draft on deadline" and afraid the state of the publishing industry will make it impossible to sell when I'm done...yeah, I'm there. But I keep writing.
IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!
4 days ago
1 comment:
Go Jenny! You're doing great!
And I love that post. You write because you love to - you have to - despite what's happening in the industry. The best way to write, IMO.
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