Reporter: So, Jenny - you just finished a massive overhaul of your MS by deadline! What are you gonna do now...?!?
Me: Forget Disneyworld, I'm going to....SLEEP!!!
Actually, not yet. I did just finish revisions, but I still have to get everything together to actually submit for the contest. That means formatting the MS into a singular document (LSB keeps chapters in separate files) and burning it to a CD, pulling and printing 6 copies of my first 50 pages, and revising my working synopsis into something suitable to show people. That, too, needs 6 printed copies. Then it's off to the Post Office in the morning on my way to work. Express Mail delivery is guaranteed by noon on Tuesday (deadline is 5 pm CST).
Then I have a full day of work, and my Scottish Country Dance class. THEN I'll sleep. *g*
In a bizarre twist, I guesstimated my wordcount at 95K on the Golden Heart entry form almost 3 months ago, before really starting revisions. I would have been happy with anything between 95-99K, and made no specific attempt to cut it down to a certain length.
Final wordcount? 95,098.
IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!
4 days ago
Congrats on finishing!
Yay, Jenny! You did it!
Way to go, Jenny!!!
woo hoo! congratulations!!!
*waves pom poms*
Yay! Good for you! And good luck.
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