Yeah, my bright-and-shiny goal of 50K by the end of the year...not gonna happen. I haven't written anything in a couple weeks, and I don't know why I thought the holidays would be a good time to get major wordage down. Add a sick and teething baby, major day job workload, and the setting up/cycling/stocking of the snazzy new aquarium my FIL very generously financed (partially - the rest was an advance of my Christmas bonus, monthly spending money, and other Christmas cash) to the hustle and bustle of traveling, shopping, decorating, wrapping, etc... I say again: yeah, not gonna happen.
I'm okay with it, though. I am taking all next week off, so I'll be home and (presumably) rested and (hopefully) productive. First step of my new plan is to re-work and polish all my current stuff, with an eye to deepening POV and reducing "stage directions" as we were doing on Compuserve recently. Also researching (mainly reading the Jamie bits in Voyager, and other such examples) so I can more effectively write in Alec's POV, per Jo's suggestions. If I can have everything spiffed up and improved by the end of the year, I will consider that major progress. Then that should give me some good momentum for kicking off 2007 with a writing streak. I've been working on nailing down my plot details and figuring out what happens in currently vacant parts of the story. A hoped-for Christmas gift or two should help with that by providing cultural/historical detail.
New overall goal: finish the book by the one-year mark, which is to say next summer. If I stick with 10K a month or so, that should be doable.
IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!
4 days ago
2 comments: and me both, sister. I'm wayyyy behind and it'll be a bloody miracle if I meet both of my goals for the month. Ah well. Life goes on.
You still kick a$$, you know! I admire your work ethic, and I feel your pain. Sick and teething baby on my shoulder right now...
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