I hope everyone had a joyous and happy holiday! We did, though the whirlwind of festivities was a bit much for the 9-month-old. Still, I got some good books to help me out as Christmas presents (namely the Intelligent Traveller's Guide to Historic Scotland and Characters & Viewpoint) and some Christmas cash to both pay off my self-debt on the new aquarium and finance future research purchases.
And I've been home all week...not writing. *hangs head* This is actually the first day my computer has even been on. I've been playing with the baby (he's still teething, btw - at the start of December he had no teeth and now he's working on #'s 4 and 5!), doing a little bit of housework, and watching DH play his new Nintendo (yes, the Wii - my mom and I pulled off a nifty little feat snagging him one of those on the release date)
Anyway, thanks to all of you who have offered me encouragement! I do plan to start fresh with the new year. And now that I'm on the computer, I might even go work on something...though as soon as DH gets back from his grocery run, that might get tanked.
Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year!
IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!
4 days ago
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