So Thursday I practically pulled an all-nighter. Unfortunately I didn't get much wordage. I did, however, get a chance to reconnect and chat real-time with some friends (thanks, girls!) which bolstered my confidence and was in general fun. *g*
Friday I planned to write at work, but the cappuccino machine at the coffee kiosk was broken and, lacking caffeine, I wasn't very productive on two hours sleep. Then my boss told me I could leave early (holiday weekend) so I did. Had a pleasant evening with DH and LB, at the mall of all places. Passed out cold on the couch as soon as LB was down.
Yesterday (Saturday) I got up early to write, but unfortunately LB woke up early too so no progress. Then FIL, BIL, and GIL (girlfriend-in-law, hehe) came over after the family Christmas get-together and stayed the night. We opened presents - bless his heart, FIL has given me a cross necklace almost every single year since I met DH, despite the fact that I wear one of them every single day and have the rest stashed in the back of my jewelry box - GIL and I made more bourbon balls, the guys watched a movie, and we all collapsed around midnight.
Oh, and my purse came in at last. No worries! 100% authentic, and gorgeous to boot. *g* So that's one less distraction from now on...
It's now Sunday afternoon and LB is down for his nap; DH has gone out to buy games for his new Xbox 360. I'm hoping to make some headway while LB sleeps, and then have my regular writing session tonight as well.
And in case anyone's interested, here's the family recipe for bourbon balls, as handed down by my great-grandmother:
Gramammy's Bourbon Balls
2 pounds 10x confectioner's (powdered) sugar
1 stick melted butter
1 cup finely chopped pecans
1/2 cup bourbon
(optional: 1 cup shredded coconut)
Dipping chocolate
Combine powdered sugar, butter, nuts, (coconut), and bourbon in large mixing bowl. Should be proper consistency to form balls, not too dry or too "gloppy". (Add bourbon or powdered sugar as needed to correct, but the listed proportions should work.)
Roll into ~1" balls and place on waxed paper or aluminum foil on cookie sheet, chill.
When balls are firm and set, melt dipping chocolate and dip each ball, replacing on cookie sheet and chilling to set chocolate.
Should make 10-12 dozen.
IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!
4 days ago
have you got a photo of the coach? :-)
Check this thread for the entire drama. *g*
I posted pics on there, page 2.
I'll try to get a better one tomorrow, maybe. I just realized I didn't get a "normal" shot of it...
(And for the record, I stopped using that online ID when she claimed the name, but I had to keep it for some old, established accounts. *g*)
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