I'm up early to compensate for passing out on the couch last night and not only not writing, but missing a planned chat I had been looking forward to. Sorry, girls!
Anyway, I stumbled across this and thought some of you would appreciate them:
Fun author t-shirts on CafePress
I particularly like
Of Course There's a Writing Formula:
beginning + middle + end = story
(Oh, if it were only that easy. Especially for those of us who write in chunks!)
All the cool kids are writing.
Hehe. Also, the sadly accurate
A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.
-Thomas Mann
My personal favorite:
Careful, or you'll end up in my novel.
the search for which (with my Christmas money) led to the finding of the page.
Addendum: on a later page I found
Not Now! My muse is kicking ass
I prefer to think of myself as "pre-published."
and this awesome magnet:

Happy Holidays!!! Take loads care :D
My favorite: "(pun intended)"
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