I just had a brilliant thought: a contest to add (even more) excitement to the upcoming completion of my book!
There will even be a real prize. Possibly monetary/bookish in nature. I'm leaning towards a $25 Borders gift card.
The rules are simple: post a comment with your guess as to the final word count of my MS when I finish it this week. Whoever guesses closest, wins!
Some info to help you out: right now I'm at 93,163 words. (Ignore the wordmeter, I need to fix/fiddle with it.)
Feel free to ask me other questions in the comments. I may or may not answer them. *g*
So let's hear it. How long-winded do you guys think I am?
IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!
4 days ago
Oh, I'm in! ;)
OK, my gues is: you'll finish at 102,500 words.
Count me in! Come on, you say contest, do you think I would just lurk?!
Hmm, *tapping finger on chin* Let's deduce, shall we. You are in the science field, your goal has always been 100k, you have put things on hold to finish and have been working nonstop... *tap, tap, tap* You will definitely meet the 100k goal, even if it means stretching a scene that you know will be trimmed by an editor. On the other hand, you want this pristine, not wanting months of revisions, who can blame you? Therefore...*chin raised to an arrogantly confident angle* My guess is...you will finish with 101,295 words. The extra 1,295 is for the little snips betas will suggest. Though you will argue with them about major cuts because it will dip the word count below 100k. ;)
How close am I to being right? If I'm off on the word count but nailed you on the personality assessment, do I get a consolation prize? :D Do you see why I write drama?!
Both entries duly noted! Right now you guys both have a really good shot at winning, hehe.
Clarification: the wordcount in question is the SFD wordcount, whatever Word kicks back once I've completed and pasted all Chapters into one document.
The final wordcount will most likely change once I start revisions. I'm guessing final draft will be shorter than the SFD, as I tend to write "heavy". OTOH, I have a lot of little details to go back and fill in...
Carol, you certainly pegged me on personality. *w* I probably will argue about big cuts, but in the final draft I think I'll be okay with anything over 95K.
gahh!! what to choose, what to choose? should I be realistic and aim for a low number or set my sights high and have faith in you and say 130,000??? :-) hmm... I think I'll go with 103, 163. Yup, final answer. (I was going to say 101,163 but I never go with my first instint and always regret it, so first instinct it is!)
Gah, I hope not 130K! I'll never get finished! *g*
Ooh, everyone's are really close so far. This will be interesting...
100K. Nice round number. [g]
Ack, your blog won't let me post! LOL.
I went through a nice reasoned discussion before it ate my last post, and I won't bother repeating- suffice to say I'm separating myself from the crowd and pegging you at 106,000...
Good luck!
Hey, neat idea!
Hmmm ... well, with no particular reasoning invloved at all, I'm nailing 101,000 to the board. (g)
Now go get that keyboard smokin! (bg)
I'm gonna say 107,300. Why? Because as _I_ near the end, I always underestimate what's left to write. Just playing the odds. (g)
Yikes, well...considering I don't know you at all, I will have to go on intuition alone - and a lot of good guesses have already been taken.
I'm going to make a stab at...104,500. I would have rathered go lower, but I didn't want to sneak in on others' numbers!
My guess was too close to someone else's. I will say 103,507.
Good job on finishing this. *Passes out celebratory drinks.*
I hope I'm not too late. My magic eight ball says 105,500.
107,431. That was completely arbitrary. As you well know, I do nothing scientifically.
Oh, but I must know, is this a "whoever is the closest" pure and simple contest, or is it like The Price Is Right, where an overbid means death?
How similarly we think. I had given thought to the "Price is Right" thing, but then decided to do a straight-up "who is closest".
Hi Jenny,
My guess is 101,111. Psst. How many times may we enter? tee hee
I'll count everyone's latest entry. *g*
As for when the window closes...I'm planning two more marathon days. I'd love for that to settle it.
Tee hee
Good luck Jenny. You'll be dancing for joy.
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