Shoot me now, because I will be miserable tomorrow. *g*
Chapter 5 is done.
Just over 1250 words tonight, which puts me still ahead of schedule and still behind on sleep.
I'm not as keen on tonight's work, which is all Alec's POV as he discovers Elspeth's true origin, but it's down and will hold place nicely for now. That's what revisions are for.
I keep repeating to myself: "...this is the SFD...this is the SFD..."
IWSG Day and BioParc Geneva!
4 days ago
This is the sfd..this is the sfd..
got it, I think... (G)
Almost halfway, good for you!
How's little boy?
This is the sfd..this is the sfd..
got it, I think... (G)
Almost halfway, good for you!
How's little boy?
Little boy is good. Developing quite the temper when he doesn't get his way, but don't they all? Walking, talking, exploring - he's just into everything right now. It's a lot of fun. *g*
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